Sunday, December 19, 2010

Celebrity Divorces: More About Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds

Look, I promise you that this divorce blog is not going to evolve into a Hollywood gossip rag!  We are simply divorce attorneys in Augusta, Georgia who generally focus on Georgia divorce law.  We offer some practical tips and information about Georgia divorce law for you to discuss with your own divorce lawyer.  (Of course, because each divorce is different, and because laws vary from place to place, no one should ever rely on any divorce blog for advice, but should instead consult with his or her own divorce attorney).  
But I do acknowledge that we also sometimes try to make this blog more interesting by covering some Hollywood divorces.  And frankly, a lot of lessons can be learned by looking at issues which often arise in celebrity divorces.
For example, in the last post, we talked about the divorce between two fine actors, Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson.  But did you also hear that, this week, the two have been seen dining together at a New York restaurant, shortly after their divorce was made public?  The two actors have announced that even though their busy schedules made it difficult for their marriage to work, they intend to remain good friends.
Isn't that laudable?  Isn't it possible for divorcing parties to remain friends?  What do you think?