Friday, January 14, 2011

Divorce and How Not To Prove Adultery!

All the divorce courts in the world must wait and wait -- to see what happens next in the ongoing saga of Michigan resident Leon Walker, who has been charged with a felony for allegedly hacking into and checking his wife's email.  According to various news reports, Walker was seeking evidence to prove his wife's alleged adultery.  Of course, no one should pre-judge what has happened or what should happen in that criminal case.  That job is best left up to the Michigan judges, prosecutors, and criminal defense attorneys.
However, this Michigan case does raise some other important issues for you to discuss with your own divorce lawyer.  For example, let's assume that you suspect your worthless spouse, "Sluggo," of cheating on you.  Based upon the Michigan case, it should now be clear to you that you shouldn't hack into his email accounts.  We get that!  But have you also considered that it might also be dangerous for you to tap Sluggo's phone, too?!  In other words, even if you strongly suspect that Sluggo is "sweet talking" on the telephone with his new honey, it isn't worth running the risk of going to jail over by surreptitiously recording Sluggo's telphone conversations with others.  That's likely a felony, too!  So, please understand that it is imperative for you to discuss these issues about how to prove (and how not to prove) adultery with your own divorce attorney! 
After all, retaining a divorce lawyer is tough enough, but, like Mr. Walker, you don't want to have to retain a criminal lawyer, too!