Saturday, July 2, 2011

Celebrity Divorces and Separations: Schwarzenegger and Shriver

[Photo from Wikipedia]
According to various news reports, Maria Shriver has finally filed for divorce this week from former California Governor, and actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Of course, we do not need to repeat here again all the salacious information "out there" about the former governor's adultery and love child.  I am sure you are already familiar with it.  This divorce filing appears only to be the latest stage in this ongoing celebrity separation and divorce saga.
One interesting new aspect of this case involves news reports that Ms. Shriver may be entitled, under California law, to an estimated $200 million from the marital estate.  Of course, no doubt, both Schwarzenegger and Shriver will have good divorce lawyers to resolve such issues.  And we can all be confident that divorce attorneys for each side will ensure that neither party will miss a meal after the divorce is final!
The State of Georgia, unlike California, is not a community property state.  However, in Georgia divorces, generally, Georgia judges will nonetheless attempt to equitably divide marital property, if the parties cannot resolve it.
Here's hoping that the former governor and Maria Shriver, and their divorce lawyers, will be able to amicably resolve all the remaining issues in their divorce.