Friday, February 25, 2011

Divorce, Child Custody and Parent Selection

After several "entertaining" posts, maybe it is time for me to put on my Augusta, Georgia divorce attorney hat and give you some more "meat and potatoes," or practical tips, for you to discuss with your own divorce lawyer!  Today, let's talk a little bit about parent selection in a Georgia child custody case.
Did you know that, in Georgia, generally, a child who has reached 14 years old may sign a parent selection form and essentially choose with whom he or she wants to live?  Of course, the judge might still potentially ignore the kid's custody selection.  Moreover, the judge will still ultimately decide what is in the child's best interests.  But it is important that you know that, at least in the State of Georgia, parent selection is still possible. 
So, if you are going through a divorce from your worthless spouse, "Sluggo," and your son, "Sluggo, Jr." tells you he wants to stay with you, then you now know to make a beeline down to your divorce attorney and ask him or her about parent selection!  What are the rules about parent selection in your state?