Friday, April 9, 2010

Divorce and Financial Affidavits

Getting a divorce in Georgia, like elsewhere, I suppose, requires an incredible amount of paperwork and forms. But we, at The Goolsby Law Firm, LLC, at least try to put one of the forms, the financial affidavit, to good use.
Augusta, Georgia judges require all divorcing parties to prepare and submit a financial affidavit prior to the first, temporary hearing. In it, each party must generally set forth all assets, income, and debts. In addition, the financial affidavit contains a budget section in which each party must estimate all of his or her monthly living expenses, from the cost of groceries, to utilities, and other things, such as credit card debt.
It's this last section, the budget section, which we have found can be particularly helpful to many people going through a divorce. For instance, if you are planning to live alone in the future, (or with your kids), it should be a helpful exercise for you to sit down and plan a budget. The budget will then help you understand how much money you are going to need to make ends meet in the future. Then, you will be in a better position to know how much alimony, child support, and other income you will need in your new life!
So, you see, getting a divorce may involve a lot of forms, but some of these forms may be helpful to you in planning your future -- a happy future without your worthless spouse, "Sluggo."