Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sad News About Domestic Abuse and Safe Homes

Did you hear the sad news out of the State of New York?  According to various news reports, a woman has reportedly driven her mini-van into the Hudson River and drowned, along with three of her four kids.  Only one of the children has reportedly survived.  While the reported facts remain unclear, according to reports, this tragedy was allegedly connected to an incident involving domestic violence.  Such incidents are sometimes a tragic part of divorces, too, aren't they?
At the same time, I have been following news reports in my state, the State of Georgia, that shelters for abused women face severe cutbacks, if not elimination, of state funding next year.  As you know, such homes, including fine shelters such as Safe Homes of Augusta, offer abused women an alternative to either staying in abusive situations, or to doing something unfathomable, as perhaps occurred in the New York case. 
Again, no one really knows all the facts in the New York case.  And perhaps we would disagree about possible solutions in some cases.  But hopefully, we can all agree that we need to support shelters for abused women, either through tax dollars, or through charitable donations.